Friday, March 19, 2010

Raven Guard Veterans upclose!

Sergeant with powerfist, vet with combi-flamer and Apothecary preserving the Gene seed.

Combi-meltas for tank hunting.

Meltas for extra tank killing.

Combi-plasma for .... well has the chance to kill anything in the 40k world but a landraider or monolith.

Standard vets.

Raven Guard Sternguard and Command squad

Raven Guard Close Combat Terminators

Vet Sarg with his lightening claws leading the terminators.

Thunderhammers and Stormshields for the rest of the squad.

The full squad...thunder and lightening.

Raven Guard Assault Marines.

Marines who like bolt pistols over chainswords.

Standard assault marines.

Sergeant with lightening claws and two marines who like double chainswords.

Jumppacks can come off and be exchanged for regular power packs.

10 assault marines charging.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Shrike: Captain of Raven Guard's 3rd company

Shrike in all his glory leading the 3rd company.

Raven Guard

My current and effective Raven Guard list for 1500pts. I have a few tournament victories and lots of fun game victories with this list.

1 Shrike.
10 tactical marine with power-fist, melta bomb, drop pod, and flamer/rocket launcher.
10 scout marines with close combat weapons and power-fist.
5 scout marines with sniper rifles and rocket launcher.
7 close combat terminators with 6 thunder-hammers and 1 lightening claw.
5 Sternguard with drop pod, melta bomb, 2 combi-meltas, 2 combi-plasma, and a meltagun.
5 Assault marines with a melta bomb.
1 landspeeeder with 2 heavy bolters.
1 attack bike with a multimelta gun.
5 Devastator marines with 3 rocket launchers.

Pictures to come.